Personal Injury - Workers' Compensation - Social Security Disability - Bankruptcy

According to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, in 2019, there were nearly 6,500 total crashes in Eau Claire County. Out of those incidents, more than 830 resulted in injuries, and 23 people lost their lives. [1] Top 10 Injuries Resulting from Car Accidents in Eau Claire County Car accidents can cause a wide range of physical […]

What Defines Wrongful Death in Wisconsin? Wrongful death is a devastating event that occurs when a person loses their life due to the negligent actions or misconduct of another individual or entity. In Wisconsin, wrongful death claims are governed by specific laws, which define the circumstances under which a legal action can be pursued. Wrongful […]

What is Emotional Trauma? Emotional trauma is a silent and invisible wound that can deeply affect individuals who have experienced a distressing or harrowing event. It stems from the overwhelming stress and fear triggered by a traumatic experience, such as a car accident. Car accidents are one of the leading causes of emotional trauma, as […]


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