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Burn Injury Lawyer

If you or a loved one has been the victim of an accident in the state of Wisconsin in which you suffered burn injuries you may be entitled to compensation for those injuries whether they happened at work or not.

For Individuals Caught in A Fire Or Burn Accident

An accomplished Wisconsin burn injury lawyer will evaluate each claim individually and seek to obtain all financial compensation possible for the injuries suffered in the accident. Compensation can be sought from the property owner or business where the accident occurred, as well as from any responsible parties that made faulty products.

A burn injury lawyer can also help with matters like workers’ compensation claims and other issues relating to burns injuries. The first step in recovering financial compensation is to hire a skilled Wisconsin personal injury lawyer who has experience dealing with such cases.

A skilled burn injury lawyer will also work to build up the case as much as possible. This means that he or she may collect eyewitness accounts, security camera footage and any other evidence of the accident to build up a solid case against any responsible parties.

This can be key in securing a settlement for medical bills, pain and suffering and other medical damages. An experienced lawyer may also work to get compensation for other damages like loss of income and wrongful death among others.

It is not unusual for individuals to be caught in devastating burn accidents, either at home or work. Such as when a person is working with flammable materials or when an individual suddenly catches on fire, the results can be fatal. However, if someone survives such a fire or burn accident, he or she may be entitled to financial compensation for the injuries.

Burns can occur when a person is exposed to heat above 120 degrees Fahrenheit. The results of these burns are varied but include scarring of the skin, severe swelling and in some cases may require amputation of burned body parts and even death. Where burn accidents are caused by the negligence or wrongdoing of another party, such as a manufacturer who produces faulty electrical wiring that results in a fire or burn accident, compensation is often available through personal injury claims.

The best way to ensure that you are compensated for all possible injuries is by working with a Wisconsin burn injury lawyer who can handle the accident from start to finish. For additional information, contact our law firm today at (715) 403-5045. All consultations are always free of charge.

Plant Explosion Burn Injury Attorney

Burn Injuries and Personal Injury Claims

Dealing with insurance companies after suffering an injury from a burn accident can be tricky. Most insurance companies are less likely to settle claims when it concerns a burn injury since many of the long term effects aren’t immediately apparent or expected.

Burn injuries can involve scarring, tissue death and sever disfigurement. Furthermore, burns can become infected, which could mean having to deal with amputation of the affected body parts. Burns are also not limited to fires, but can be caused by hot foods like coffee and tea being spilled on clothing or the skin, electrical wiring overheating at workplaces and even some chemical reactions.

Since burn injuries often result in a great deal of time spent dealing with medical treatment, there is an opportunity for an insurance company to try and look for reasons not to pay a claim. Most insurance adjusters are not qualified to make claims adjustments, but do so anyway due to the high demand in the market. It is vital that you hire a experienced personal injury attorney after suffering from burn injuries as they can help protect your rights.

An accomplished Wisconsin burn injury lawyer will evaluate each claim individually and seek to obtain all financial compensation possible for the injuries suffered in the accident. Compensation can be sought from the property owner or business where the accident occurred, as well as from any responsible parties that made faulty products.

An experienced burn injury attorney can also help with matters like workers’ compensation claims and other issues relating to burns injuries. The first step in recovering financial compensation is to hire a skilled Wisconsin personal injury lawyer who has experience dealing with such cases.

An experienced burn injury lawyer will also work to build up the case as much as possible. This means that he or she may collect eyewitness accounts, security camera footage and any other evidence of the accident to build up a solid case against any responsible parties.

This can be key in securing a settlement for medical bills, pain and suffering and other medical damages. An experienced lawyer may also work to get compensation for other damages like loss of income and wrongful death among others.

What Accidents Cause the Most Burn Injuries?

Simple, avoidable accidents are responsible for most burn injuries. Car crashes and faulty products are two of the biggest culprits when it comes to causing burn injuries in Wisconsin.

Car Crashes

The leading cause of burn injuries is car crashes, according to research conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Drivers commonly experience burns during crashes when their clothes or skin comes into contact with the heated interior of a car.

The agency reported that Wisconsin residents experienced more than 27,000 burn injuries as a result of motor vehicle accidents over the year 2010 alone. This figure amounts to 2.8 percent of all work related injuries and illnesses in state for that year.

Burn Injuries Caused by Cars

A growing number of people who are injured in car accidents find themselves facing medical and financial challenges. In some cases, injuries can ultimately lead to death. Those involved may suffer debilitating pain for the rest of their lives.

Burn injuries commonly occur when a driver or passenger bumps into the interior portion of the vehicle and injure his or her skin or clothing. In some cases, the hot metal of a car can sear through layers of fabric and burn the skin underneath.

Burn injuries also commonly occur while waiting at bus stops or walking down busy streets. Drivers may accelerate too quickly into intersections when pedestrians are crossing or fail to stop for traffic lights in areas where there is cross walking.

Faulty Products or Defective Products

Burn injuries also commonly occur when individuals use faulty products. These injuries are tougher to detect, but can be just as devastating for those affected.

While product manufacturers must adhere to safety standards outlined by the federal government, these may not always be followed in their entirety throughout production lines. Individuals who manufacture or supply faulty products may have contributed to an accident that leads to burn injuries.

Burn injuries can also commonly occur when consumers use faulty or damaged products that have not been properly maintained. This can be the case for those who work in factories and other industrial settings as well as with children’s toys.

Injuries caused by defective products are becoming more common than ever before, especially as the Internet has created a “fast-fashion” culture that encourages consumers to buy new products every season.

Here are some examples of objective facts:    The accident took place at 10 am on the day you were injured;   When the other driver turned left into your lane and caused your car accident, there was no stop sign or traffic light present; You got back from having knee surgery when it was raining; Your coworker was five minutes late to work because of the traffic jam.

Types of Burn Injuries and Their Recovery Times

There are several types of burn injuries that a person can suffer following an accident. Which types of injuries a burn victim experiences depends on the amount, duration and location of contact with heat or fire.

First Degree Burns

First degree burns are often characterized by redness in the affected area. These burns typically heal within two weeks with proper care. However, pain and discomfort may persist for much longer depending on the severity of the burn.

Though first degree burns are usually mild, they can also present serious medical risks if left untreated for long periods of time. The most common risk is infection in the affected area.

Second Degree Burns

A second degree burn involves damage to both layers of skin and causes blisters that burst within a few days. These burns are particularly painful as nerve endings near the surface of the skin become exposed. In some cases, a second degree burn may look like a third degree burn but with no blistering.

Third Degree Burns

A third degree burn causes damage to all layers of skin and may cause permanent disfigurement or scarring. This type of burn often requires a skin graft to repair and as much as three weeks of treatment in the hospital. While third degree burns can be extremely painful, some victims even experience nerve damage that leaves them unable to feel pain in certain areas for several months following an accident.

Third degree burns are the most serious type of burn injury you could suffer from a car accident. However, the greater risk for third degree burns may come from house fires and industrial accidents.

Workers’ Compensation for Burn Injury Victims

Burn injuries are some of the most severe and painful that an individual can suffer. In many cases, burn victims may never fully recover from their injuries due to scars or disfigurement.

Because they require so much care and rehabilitation, burn injury victims often have a hard time returning to work following an accident. Those who do return to work may face a number of challenges in the workplace. Some individuals may experience bouts of depression and anxiety due to burn injury while others may be unable to return to work at all.

For these reasons, workers’ compensation claims are often made by those who suffer from burn injuries on the job. Workers’ compensation laws typically allow accident victims and their families to receive financial compensation for their pain and suffering, medical expenses, rehabilitation fees and lost wages.

For those who do not recover enough to return to work or can no longer continue at the same job, it is possible to apply for Social Security Disability benefits. Your Social Security disability lawyer will fight for your right to receive these benefits as soon as possible after a serious accident.

Below are some of the most common reasons that burn injuries may result in a workers’ comp claim:

  • Burns suffered while operating machinery or equipment
  • Burns suffered from hot objects or liquids
  • Hazardous materials such as chemicals;
  • Burns caused by workplace environment hazards including extreme heat or cold
  • Farming or Agricultural Accidents;
  • Firefighter and Police
  • Gas Line Workers

Burn victims who work in manufacturing or other high-risk industries may be eligible to file workers’ compensation claims for their injuries. However, it is important to note that there are limitations on benefits in certain cases. In most cases, third party liability or negligence must be proven before workers’ comp benefits can be granted.

While burn injuries are some of the most serious that a worker could suffer, these claims can help to cover your medical expenses and lost wages for many years to come.

Who Can File a Burn Injury Claim?

Whether you are filing a third party liability claim for injuries sustained from work-related accidents or you need compensation for an injury suffered in a car accident, a burn injury lawyer can help.

It is important to hire a counsel with experience in burn injuries if you suffer these kinds of injuries because the full extent of your recovery may not be immediately known after an accident. This could affect what type of compensation and rehabilitation services that are available to you down the road.

Contact an Attorney to Recover Compensation:

Lein Law has over 150 years of combined experience in personal injury and workers’ compensation cases and we are burn injury advocates dedicated to helping our clients receive fair compensation for their injuries. Call us at 715-634-4273 or get a free consultation.

Tell Us About Your Injury. We’re Here To Listen.

If you are injured in a Wisconsin in an accident that has resulted in a fracture or broken bone, our longtime Wisconsin injury attorneys can help.

Contact Lein Law Offices for information about your personal injury in Wisconsin by calling 715-634-4273.

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