- Musculoskeletal
- Mood disorders
- Nervous system and sense organs
- Circulatory system
- Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders
- Intellectual disability
- Injuries
- Mental Disorders
- Endocrine disorders
A disability that leaves you unable to work will often result in financial hardships for you and your family. Whether you have suffered a recent injury or are unable to work as the result of an illness or disease, the attorneys at Lein Law Offices can assert your rights to Social Security Disability benefits to help secure financial relief.
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) provides financial benefits for people who cannot work because of a medical condition that affects the claimant for at least one year or is expected to result in death. Claimants who are denied SSDI benefits may qualify for Supplemental Security Income.
A worker who has worked long enough and recently enough (based on “quarters of coverage” within the recent past) to be covered can receive disability benefits. To receive SSDI, you must have worked 10 out of the last 20 quarters and be unable to work at any job currently.
One of the most significant challenges is meeting the medical impairment listing requirements. Our attorneys will help you collect medical documentation and present findings of your illness and disability to demonstrate your inability to work.
Many first-time claimants have their petitions denied. There is usually an initial determination, followed by reconsideration and a hearing. Our attorneys can assist you in collecting proper evidence and preparing a compelling case for your appeal. Most of the cases heard on appeal are subsequently approved for benefits.
Do not give up. You have rights and options. Even if you have been denied, an experienced Wisconsin SSDI attorney from Lein Law Offices can provide you with the compassionate representation you deserve during your time of need.
If you feel that you are entitled to receive Social Security Disability, our firm can help you through the process. We can set up a free consultation between our experienced attorneys and staff to discuss your options. If you are in the process of applying for SSD or you were turned down previously, Lein Law Offices can help you.
Contact our Hayward, Wisconsin, SSD lawyers online to schedule a free consultation. We are local attorneys serving the needs of our local clients for over 25 years.
Free consultations — Flexible office hours and appointments — In-home and hospital visits available — Call us toll free at (800) 944-3949.
You can calculate you Disability award by visiting: https://www.ssa.gov/benefits/calculators/
If you are suffering from a temporary disability, then once you start to work again social security disability payments should end. You will need to contact and inform the social security administration to do so, or they will over pay you and you will have to pay that money back. If you are permanently disabled then there is no expiration date.
If you live in Wisconsin, you may be awarded Social Security Disability if you are over 65 or if you have a disability that limits your ability to work.
Lein Law – is a team of highly experienced litigation attorneys in Wisconsin representing clients in the matters of Personal Injury, Workers Compensation, and Disability Law.