An attorney will be able to assist you in appealing your denial of benefits by using their expertise in SSDI cases to build your argument for benefits and then make your case at the subsequent hearings. Some examples of what a SSDI attorney does include:
- Gathering information from treating physicians
- Refer claimants to specialists for medical reports that make for a more solid case at appeals hearings
- Commission a vocational expert’s evaluation on the claimant’s inability to work
- Ask the SSA that a prior application that was denied be reopened
- Ask for deadline extensions or a waiver of time requirements
- Coach the claimant on how to act and respond appropriately at an appeal hearing
- Act as an advocate at the appeal hearing by cross-examining witnesses, objecting to evidence and procedures that are improper, and giving a closing statement
- Make sure the SSA correctly calculates benefits
- If the appeal is unsuccessful, request a rehearing by the Appeals Council