Workers’ compensation insurance is one of the few guarantees in a world full of risks. Wisconsin’s requirement that employers can pay for workers’ injuries on the job helps make sure that employees aren’t an injury away from financial ruin.

The process of determining whether an injury or illness is covered by workers’ compensation is relatively simple: If a worker was doing something related to his or her job at the time, the ailment is usually covered. But some cases may end up confused from the point of view of those who decided if compensation applies.

A pet food company employee in the Badger State was injured in a motorcycle crash while traveling between work sites. The victim claimed he was not working at the time of the accident and claimed assistance from his own medical insurance plan. His employer, however, filed a claim for workers’ compensation, claiming that his transportation from one site to another was work-related.

The employee indicated the opposite on his own health care insurance claim and refused the workers’ compensation payments. As a result, the health plan requested reimbursement for its payment out of a negligence lawsuit filed against the driver who hit the man’s motorcycle.

Complications in workers’ compensation claims are not uncommon, and victims can often lose precious time working them out. This is why workers injured on the job may need the help of an attorney to make sure they get the help they need. A lawyer can review claims and help challenge rejected claims if it is necessary to get injured workers the care they deserve.